Interview met 27

Het is altijd een spannende dag wanneer een muzikant een nieuwe muziek uitbrengt. Zo ook voor Jack Hardman aka 27 die vandaag zijn eerste synthwave album uitbrengt: 27 - Music From The Motion Picture. Dit is de soundtrack van een film die niet bestaat en de luisteraar de kans geeft er zijn eigen beeld aan te geven. Een interessant concept en een mooi moment om via een interview meer te weten te komen over de totstandkoming van deze soundtrack.

It´s always an exciting day when a musician releases new music. The same goes for Jack Hardman aka 27, who today releases his first synthwave album: 27 - Music From The Motion Picture. This is the soundtrack of a film that doesn´t exist and gives the listener the opportunity to indicate his own image. An interesting concept and with this interview a great moment to find out more about the creation of this soundtrack.

27 - Music From The Motion Picture

Jack, can you introduce yourself to our readers?
Hello! I’m Jack! I’m a songwriter and producer from London. At the moment I’m making music under the moniker 27. Pleased to meet you.

As a songwriter, producer and multi-instrumentalist you worked also for other artists and advertising agency´s. Can you tell us about your record of achievements?
I’m a bit of a jack of all trades. I started releasing my own songs a few years ago. They did okay at radio and I ended up playing Glastonbury. That music was nothing like 27!

These days I do a lot more writing and production for artists here in London, as well as a few little advertising campaigns. I recently worked on a Coca-Cola ad in the Philippines and for the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation.

I would like to thank you very much for having the opportunity to listen to your new album 27 - Music From The Motion Picture before it came out. How did you came up with the concept of this soundtrack?
My pleasure! So 27 all started with the song ‘Glass’. It came out so quickly and resonated in a way that no other composition has before. I knew that I had fallen in love with the sound and used the movie concept as a deeply visual way to tie it all together as a collection.

In your press release you are talking about (and I quote) ¨It’s an insight into a new cinematic world looking from the inside out¨. What do you mean with this?
I dream of people listening to this record in the dark with their eyes closed, imagining what the plot of the film could be and how those songs relate to their interpretations. That’s what I mean by inside out, it’s a body of music that creates a movie in the mind of its listeners...I hope!

When I listen to the soundtrack then in my imagination I see two young people, in love, and on an adventure in the Heartland of America. With this in mind what sort of scene are you thinking about for the song Runaway (number 4)?
I knew that Runaway would be the ‘Rising Action’ of my story arch. It’s the sonic representation of conflict reaching a climax. I tried to give the song a sense of drama and energy and hope this comes across.

I think you did an amazing job by making this soundtrack and I would encourage everyone to listen to this quality piece of music. What outcome are you hoping for?
I really hope that I can convince people of the concept and to listen with an open mind. I would also like to perform 27 live one day, but I will see how everything goes first!

Now your soundtrack is coming out today, can you share with us some of your plans for the (near) future?
Well I have pressed the album to limited edition cassette which I’m really really excited about. Having a physical product is the best thrill.

27 Soundtrack cassette

I’d like to start working on a follow up to ‘Music From The Motion Picture’ soon. I’m thinking the second album could be a prequel to the story and really try and push my luck!

I’m also going to work on a new album of my own solo music. I hope that will come out this year or early next.

Je kunt 27 volgen op:


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