Interview met Powernerd

Op vrijdag 15 november 2019 verscheen het nieuwe album van het Oostenrijkse supertrio Powernerd met als titel ¨Far From Human¨. Het resultaat is verbluffend en ik raad je dan ook snel aan dit album te gaan luisteren. Tijd om dit trio met vragen te bestoken. Paddy, Vin en Mark: zijn jullie er klaar voor?

On Friday, November 15, 2019, the new album from the Austrian super trio Powernerd was released and entitled "Far From Human". The result is amazing and I advise you to listen to this album as soon as possible. Time to bombard this trio with questions. Paddy, Vin and Mark: are you ready?


Guys, congratulations with your new album ¨Far From Human¨. How was it to work on this album?
Paddy: Thanks! The work for this album took quite some time, as we wanted everything as perfect as possible :). Also it is the first release with our singer, so we had to record vocals too.

Vin: For me, working on this record was a great way to try new approaches to my musical expression. Since I stem from the metal scene, it was interesting to see my voice merge with the sound of synthwave and to create a whole new sound. Thankfully, Paddy knows exactly where he wants a song to go. So writing and recording together was a breeze.

Mark:It´s always exciting to work with Paddy and Vin since you never know where the musical journey ends up. We had a couple of songs for the album and we picked up the strongest ones in our opinion at least. This took a while as Paddy already said. But we are very happy with our choice. We hope people like it.

Collaborating on this album together with Dana Jean Phoenix and Carbon Killer must have been great. How was it work with these amazing musicians?
Paddy: It was great indeed! Dana is a friend of us and also she is my favorite female singer in the synthwave scene. I had the pleasure to produce some tracks for her last album and right now we are working on some top secret stuff :). Carbon Killer is one hell of a good live band. We played a gig together in Vienna last year. I really dig their album and there is some dope saxophone on it. I asked Alex if he could record some sax and he did! I am really happy with the result.

Mark: Just great people and very talented musicians. We had a lot of fun when we had common events.

Where do you get your creative inspiration when you are making music?
Paddy: Listening to other music is my main source of inspiration, also I am working on music constantly, so I keep in the ¨flow¨. Ofcourse there are times when you have a creative block, but then it´s best to take a little time out. Its funny that my self perception constantly shifts between ¨I am the absolute best producer ever, Daft Punk could learn from me¨ and ¨I think i should watch some Youtube tutorials about first steps into music production¨. Also watching our guitar player Mark drinking beer is a very big source of inspiration for me.

Vin:Sometimes creativity strikes in strange moments, like when I sat at the Danube Canal at night and blue and pink lights from the surrounding buildings were reflected on the water surface. It looked so soothing that when I got home, I wrote the lyrics to Time Traveller in one sitting. Also, I like to watch our guitar player Mark drink beer. There may be a song about that in the future.

Mark: A lot of money, insane fame and hundreds of groupies ;). Seriously live playing is the biggest inspiration for me. That keeps me going. And ofcourse…watching Paddy drinking beer. But this does not happen very often :))).

In 2018 you performed in Amsterdam at the 1984 Night at the Arcade event. What do you remember of this live performance?
Paddy: That it was biiig and a very enthusiastic crowd. Also Mink and Joël are doing one hell of a job and they are both the nicest guys ever. They put so much love and effort into the synthwave scene and ofcourse the other acts where dope to see live.

Vin: It was my fourth show with Powernerd and I was nervous as hell. After that I remember nothing, thanks to a couple of whisky coke´s haha...

Mark: It was a very nice location and full of synthwavers. I think it was sold out. And everybody was so kind from the taxi driver, stage guys to securities and ofcourse Joël.
Meeting people from all over Europe who are performing in this genre like the Finnish guys from Megahammer or Irvingforce for example was very nice.

Are you planning to go on tour and promote the new album?
Paddy: Yeah, we just made plans with our booking agency. There will be an album release show beginning of next year and then we will see.

Mark: Yes, we are working on it. Touring for me is the funniest thing as musician but it is also the hardest part in organization. But I am sure that our booking agency will do a good job and they will make it possible. With a little bit of luck we will see Paddy drinking beer again then :).

What is your favorite movie from the 80´s and why?
Paddy: Gremlins :). I don´t know, I saw it as a kid (in the 80´s) and for me it captures the feeling of this time perfectly. Also the Gremlins look very cool hehehe.

Vin: Big Trouble In Little China or anyone of the Indiana Jones movies! Big Trouble In Little China is packed with creative nonsense and Indiana Jones was constantly on TV when I grew up, so I've grown quite fond of it. Gremlins do look cool though, that’s true…

Mark: Hmm…I think Back To The Future. Time travelling is a fascinating theme and if I could I would turn back the time 30 years. And one of the funniest scenes for me as guitar player was when Marty turns on his amp and was shot away by the shockwave when he played the first chord. And the Delorean ofcourse...

What other synthwave artists from Austria should we keep an eye on?
Paddy: Edictum, Kryptomorph, Ionstar, Miles Matrix and Ultraboss are the ones that come to my mind.

Mark: I would join Paddy´s selection.

And finally any last words to the (Dutch) synthwave community?
Paddy:Hi! Keep it 80´s! Houd het 80´s!!! Stay rad...

Mark: Hope to see you all next time and listen to our new album. We think it´s worth it! And drink beer...cheers!

Je kunt Powernerd volgen op:


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