Interview met Javarnanda

Een Italiaanse synthwave producer met liefde voor oudheden en cultuur. Dat is Javarnanda. Een bijzonder persoon die al veel van de wereld heeft gezien en zichzelf blijft uitdagen. Zijn laatste album is Mysteries of the Unknown, waar hij in het voortraject zich liet onderdompelen in de wereld van angst en mysterie. Een openhartig interview met deze moderne Indiana Jones.

An Italian synthwave producer with love for antiquities and culture. That is Javarnanda. A special person who has seen much of the world and continues to challenge himself. His latest album is Mysteries of the Unknown, where he immersed himself in the world of fear and mystery in the preliminary phase. A candid interview with this modern Indiana Jones.


Javarnanda, can you introduce yourself?
I’m a quiet and shy guy from Italy, who always loved music. I’m a self-taught guitarist and synth player. I love mysteries, ancient history, archeology, mythology, martial arts and cars. Thanks to Vincenzo Salvia’s Italian label Sunlover Records, my first album Soundstripe was released (with the great artwork from Overglow) in 2015. After that, my most important album came to life: Archeosynth, a neologism I use to define my music. My latest releases are: The Great Spirit, three tracks for Journey through your Mind and the album Mysteries of the Unknown. Also, I love museums...

How do you look back at 2019?
I started to study the piano very seriously this year, with thanks to my master Alberto. I was lucky enough to be chosen to play my tracks live in some great places and I loved it! On October 31st my new album Mysteries of the Unknown was released. I slept in the middle of the Wadi Rum desert and I searched for the Holy Grail in Petra :P. Oh I forgot...I also finished Castlevania: Symphony of the Night for the first time!

What are your plans for this year?
Since last year I have been seriously studying and researching to find Atlantis. It’s also the inspiration for my next album. Next to that I’m working on an EP about Dinosaurs. Because they are cool.

Talking about your latest album ¨Mysteries of the Unknown¨, what can you tell us about this album?
Mysteries of the Unknown is a 9 track album, inspired by mysteries and fear. Recorded with one electric guitar, synths and a drum machine. For months, during the creation process, I was immersed in the world of terror and mystery. Venturing into scary places, reading books and watching movies. At the end of the process I came out stronger than ever and I managed to create my own monster, my personal Frankenstein. Through funky, dance, ambient and circus music, you can hear unconscious references to artists such as Richard Bellis, Mark Snow, John Carpenter, Tangerine Dream and Iron Maiden.

What does fear mean to you?
I think the biggest fear remains the fear of the unknown. What we don´t know yet and cannot understand terrifies us. Many things that scare us can be addressed and overcame with knowledge and courage. Death remains unexplained and for that reason it is the greatest fear. The mind creates thoughts that can turn into subjective reality. Is reality itself not created by our mind? I need a beer. However I think fear makes us alive, if we try to face it. Dark side, bright side...

What is your favorite movie of the ´80s and why?
Most of my favorite movies are from the ´80s. I grew up watching Indiana Jones, John Carpenter and Jackie Chan movies, Evil Dead and The Ghostbusters. Nowadays I would choose The Karate Kid. An important film for who I am today. When I was a little boy, I found myself very much in Daniel La Russo.

What do you think about the current state of synthwave and where do you think it will be going?
I found myself by chance in this musical subgenre and don't enjoy being labeled. I love the synthwave community that has been built over the years, because it´s made of people like me with a great desire to create music related to their passions. Now that the subgenre is more popular and a little bit mainstream, it is inevitable that the quality has gone down a little bit, because everyone wants to do practically the same things. There is the risk that new potential talents automatically brake their dormant creativity, creating infinite loops of banality just to have some more numbers. Paradoxically it goes against what happened in the ´80s, when great risks were taken to leave creativity free. I hope the new artists will dare more. Whether it's synthwave or polka, the important thing is to be honest with yourself, have fun and let your creativity run wild. The public will appreciate. It's just music, don't make it a religion.

And finally any last words to the (Dutch) synthwave community?
Thanks so much for this interview. I hope to come and play live in your country soon (that fact is worth a thousand words :). Have a great 2020 everyone!

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