Interview met Daniel Adam

Vanuit de Engelse badplaats Brighton maakt Daniel Adam spannende darksynth. Niet alleen voor het gehoor, ook voor visuele doeleinden wordt Daniels muziek gebruikt. Iemand die hard aan de weg timmert en daarbij trouw blijft aan zijn eigen visie. Tijd voor een interview! 

Daniel Adam makes exciting darksynth from the English seaside resort of Brighton. Daniel's music is not only used for hearing, but also for visual purposes. Someone who is working hard while staying true to his own vision. Time for an interview!

Daniel Adam

Daniel, can you please introduce yourself?
Hey there, my name is Daniel Adam. I am a Synthwave artist based in Brighton, UK.

You recently releases your forth album ¨Trans Am Death¨, a very good album. How was it to work on this album?
¨Trans Am Death¨ was a real pleasure to work on. I returned to the studio where I recorded my very first demos a very long time ago and teamed up with producer Dug Wolfsohn and it was great. We locked ourselves away in the dark for six and a half days straight and really went deep with what we were trying to achieve. We set about creating a darker sound to my previous work and I think we achieved it.

What things did you do different this time compared to your other albums?
I think what sets ¨Trans Am¨ apart from my previous work is the approach we took, we decided to abandon 4/4 beats and arpeggios and strings that would give us a Dance sound and concentrated on trying to capture that magic of an 80's soundtrack.

Your music lends itself well for televisions and films. In your bio I can read that the BBC used your music. How did this process go?
Yes, I've been lucky enough to have music featured in TV & Film. This is an area I am actively persuing right now as this is a part of the arts that really excites me, there's something really special about Dark Electronic Music in Film, the way it sucks you in to some kind of robot kingdom and then throws you back out the other side into your reality. I'm hoping to achieve just that with my Dark Synthwave soundtrack to new Psycho Thriller ¨Jerry Coel¨ coming soon from Director Daniel Vossen. The official video to my track Hunting by Denitsa Georgiva will also be on release soon. We are really looking for something visually beautiful on this, please watch this space, it's coming soon!

In your music I can also hear references to other electronic subgenres like techno and trance. Which of those producers had an influence on you?
I totally agree, I have always been a lover of Techno and Trance. It's the music I danced to all night as a teenager and a young man and I believe it was only natural for it to find it's way into my own music. This may come as a surprise but I have three favourite bands. They are Depeche Mode, Radiohead and Pink Floyd and although not obvious, it would be really nice to think that you can here there influences in my music too. For me, I have always found these artist's music to be very transcending and I always wanted to achieve that myself. I guess it's very subtle but all the acts I love make up my music, everyone who's music has moved me in some way, it's just a new interpretation of it all, an interpretation that comes from deep within me.

What are your other plans for this year?
My plans for the remainder of this year is to continue in my quest for more TV & Film features and to continue to strive towards a vinyl release for my ¨Trans Am Death¨ Album. I am very eager to start planning some live shows again but with the uncertainty of the Covid 19 Pandemic, I am staying patient until it feels like the right time, it would be very unfortunate to have to relive the cancellation of events again so for now, I'm on hold but I will be back very soon!

With which producer or artist would you like to make a record?
I would very much like to make a record with Perturbator, I like him alot. I think with his raw power and the depth of my darkness, we could make something beautifully scary!

As you are a very experienced producer, what advice can you give to starting producers regarding getting equipment and creating their own sound?
My advice to young producers would be to believe in yourself, it may take years to find the sound you're looking for, some of those years may be very painful (especially to the ears!) but if you keep going, you will get there. I would also say, be prepared for a tough industry, it takes alot of work just to be heard these days, find your niche and work within that niche as the music industry is almost like the solar systenm now, endless!

What do you like most about the ´80s?
The thing I liked most about the 80's were all the really cool Horror and Sci-Fi films that came out and all the awesome music that came with them, especially from a man I admire very much, the master, Mr John Carpenter.

And finally, any last words to the synthwave community?
My parting words to the Synthwave Community are: thank you so much to all of you out there who support me, it really humbles me to hear that you have taken the time to listen to my music. I live in a dark world out here in the shadows, consumed by dark beats and synthesised sounds with no escape, I am programmed, programmed by this thing we call, Synthwave. Happy hunting people!

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