Interview met Woren

Het album ¨Coalescence¨ van de Amerikaanse producer Woren behoort tot mijn favoriete releases van dit jaar. Des te blijer was ik om de kans te krijgen voor een interview en de mens achter de muziek te leren kennen.

The album ¨Coalescence¨ by American producer Woren is one of my favorite releases of this year. All the more happy I was to get the chance for an interview and get to know the man behind the music.


Woren, thank you for having this interview. Can you please introduce yourself?
Hello, I’m Woren and I make synthwave music.

In August you released your debut album ¨Coalescence¨. For me this is one of the best albums of 2024. What can you tell us about the journey of creating this great album?
Thank you for the compliment! I wrote the album over the course of four years while staying home with my kids. It started as something I made just for myself. About half the album was written during those years, with the other half coming together this year. For me, it was a great way to decompress and relax while managing the challenges of parenting. It became an escape from reality. It wasn’t until my brother encouraged me to release my music that I decided to finish the album - and here we are!

Which tracks are you most proud of?
That’s a tough question. I think the track I’m most proud of is ¨Solace¨. It has a very personal meaning for me. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve used music as an escape from reality, and ¨Solace¨ was written after a long break from creating music. I named it ¨Solace¨ because I found comfort in writing again. That said, I love all the tracks on the album. If I had to pick favorites, it would be ¨Solace¨, ¨Close to You¨, and ¨Never Forget This Moment¨.

Can you share some of your plans for 2025?
In 2025, I’m hoping to collaborate with vocalists to create an album of vocal-driven songs. I already have a few lined up, so we’ll see how it goes!

How would you describe your style?
Honestly, I’m not entirely sure how to define my style. I originally started writing this type of music because I’ve always loved ´80s new wave. Growing up, I listened to funk, Motown, prog rock and blues. I was also heavily into the vaporwave and chillwave scenes in the early 2000s. I guess I try to combine all those influences into my music. Let’s call it Worenwave!

When was your first encounter with synthwave music?
My introduction to synthwave came in small doses - I didn’t even know it was called synthwave at first. Like many, I discovered it through things like the radio stations in GTA 5, Stranger Things, Drive and various bands that aligned with the genre. I only realized it was synthwave last year, after I’d already written most of the album.

For the electronic music producers reading this interview, can you give us a look in your studio?
My “studio” is pretty simple - just my desk, an interface, a MIDI keyboard (which is broken now), my guitars, and my bass. Nothing fancy. It’s just me, my comfy chair, and my computer.

Which cartoons, movies and games from the ´80s are an inspiration to you?
As for childhood influences, I loved late ´80s cartoons, especially Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. When it comes to movies, action and comedy films from my childhood played a big role in shaping me. Video games were also a huge part of my life. I loved almost anything on the Sega Master System, with Shinobi being my favorite. I was also a big fan of Mega Man and Zelda.

What are your dreams for the future?
My dream for the future is to keep making music. I’d love to have my own production company one day and to write music for video games and movies. But honestly, I’m just happy to create.

And finally, any last words?
Lastly, I want to say thank you for all the love and support. I appreciate every one of you!

Je kunt Woren volgen op:


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